Please pick two. We need the third to keep our lights on. This concept applies to any service business. Most of you designers and illustrators are probably familiar with this concept, especially if you've tried to give your clients all three.
Honesty is the best policy when you're asking for trust in return. Aiming for the center overlap will put you out of business. If someone is doing a service for you, and claims they're giving you all three, they're either lying to you, lying to themselves, or worst of all, only giving another client one.
Screen print on 100# cover | 12.5" x 19" Open Edition
Typography by J.Gilman
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Please pick two. We need the third to keep our lights on. This concept applies to any service business. Most of you designers and illustrators are probably familiar with this concept, especially if you've tried to give your clients all three.
Honesty is the best policy when you're asking for trust in return. Aiming for the center overlap will put you out of business. If someone is doing a service for you, and claims they're giving you all three, they're either lying to you, lying to themselves, or worst of all, only giving another client one.
Screen print on 100# cover | 12.5" x 19" Open Edition
Typography by J.Gilman